Equal Pay Explained

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Through Equal Pay Now, we are launching legal claims to challenge the unfairness of supermarket and other retail store workers being paid less than their colleagues working in warehouses and distribution centres. 

Traditionally shop work has been done by women, and warehouse work by men. We believe that stereotypical assumptions that jobs in warehouses are more demanding has resulted in unequal wages. This is unfair. Thanks to the Equality Act, it is also unlawful.

Where two jobs in the same company are different but of equal value, equal pay law states that employees must be paid the same (unless the employer can show a genuine non-discriminatory reason for not doing so). We believe the hourly paid work done in stores is equal to the hourly paid work done in distribution centres, and that they should be paid the same. If we are right about this, then thousands of female workers, and an increasing number of men who have joined them on the shop floor over the years, have been underpaid. 


We believe that supermarket and high street shop workers are being treated unfairly by their employers. That is why we are taking their claims to an employment tribunal on a ‘no win-no fee’ basis. 

We are confident that we can prove that the work done by employees in supermarket and high street shops is equal to the work carried out in warehouses and distribution centres.  The women store staff at Next have already received a tribunal ruling that their work is equal. The same challenges against all the major supermarkets is being decided currently in ongoing Tribunal hearings.  

Victory in these cases would mean two things for those who join the claims: improved wages going forward and a chance to claim up to six years of back pay. 

The cases are  led by the female shop workers. If successful, their male colleagues  will be able to ‘piggyback’ this action and enjoy the same improved wages and opportunity to reclaim lost earnings. 


All supermarket and high street shop workers (women and men)  who are paid by the hour can join Equal Pay Now. If you have recently left employment at a supermarket or high street shop, you may also be able to join the claim. 

The cases are run on a ‘no win-no fee’ basis, meaning legal fees are taken  from your compensation , with the amount payable capped at 25% plus Vat. (For more on costs and fees, go here). 

If the court rules in your favour, it is likely that all supermarket and high street shop workers will have their pay increased in due course, but only those who have joined the legal claims will be eligible for compensation. 

If you are worried that by joining the claim you might lose your job as a result – it is unlawful for an employer to discipline, sack or penalise you in any way for asserting your right to equal pay.  

Find out more about these claims for equal pay here.